In-game name: Toasty
Age: 26 `
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:6065144
Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it:
Yes I have a microphone, and am not shy to use it. I understand that people can sometimes abuse their mics, and am usually pretty level headed and avoid starting flame wars. They are not productive and only cause headaches for everyone
Days of the week are you available to play:
I can average at least 10 - 14 hours a week, I still need to continue my studies and work so i can keep buying internet, besides that I'm usually playing other community servers everyday.
Hours In-game: 10 so far i believe
Time Zone: Central Standard Time
I have been an administrator for a seperate gaming community for about a year and a half and have climbed the ranks to becoming a root. I've clocked many many many hours on their Jailbreak servers and (as humbly as i can say this) people think I'm a pretty decent Warden 😛
Rules you view as most important:
Most important rules would have to pertain to how we treat new members, or new users. Explain the rules takes minutes if not seconds and is what every single new player needs to be aware of. Boogiebro2234 has been awesome in showing me around the map, and it seems like the other admins have been curtious enough to show me around as well. Rules and policies are the backbone of organizing what else would be complete chaos. Other rules I view that are important are admin protocols. Warn/Kick/Ban if the administrators do not follow these rules, abuse will always happen.
Why we should pick you over the applicants:
I believe that I am a perfect canidate for this position. I'm friendly, helpful, humble, and make communication my top priority. If a player doesnt know they've done something wrong, they will never learn. Also, I'm an old man, not a young buck trying to cause a ruckus!
Thank you for your consideration!