In-game name: mr. xpensive crip
Server you were banned on: Roleplay.
Who banned you: Gnome.
Reason for ban: Toxic player to community.
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:13653071
Reason you think you should be unbanned:
I personally do not believe what I have been banned for is reasonable for reasons that this forum has gone over plenty of times now. I was rebanned again because there are little kids on the server who don't like me and requested that my ban to be rewritten. I am honestly always AFK when I am out of the house (which I do so very often) so I don't know where all of this commotion is coming from. I am politely asking the administration of the organization to really ask themselves if this is worthy of a permanent ban, let alone a temporary ban. I have not said anything over the line or done anything to the new players on this server. It is obvious that there is a lot of angst towards me from the little kids, but I do not believe that should be why I should be kicked out. I believe my presence in the server calls for better times when I do drops and hand out apartments for the noobies. I ask that you do not dumb yourselves down for the kids.