In-game name: mr. xpensive crip

Server you were banned on: Roleplay.

Who banned you: Gnome.

Reason for ban: Toxic player to community.

Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:13653071

Reason you think you should be unbanned:
I personally do not believe what I have been banned for is reasonable for reasons that this forum has gone over plenty of times now. I was rebanned again because there are little kids on the server who don't like me and requested that my ban to be rewritten. I am honestly always AFK when I am out of the house (which I do so very often) so I don't know where all of this commotion is coming from. I am politely asking the administration of the organization to really ask themselves if this is worthy of a permanent ban, let alone a temporary ban. I have not said anything over the line or done anything to the new players on this server. It is obvious that there is a lot of angst towards me from the little kids, but I do not believe that should be why I should be kicked out. I believe my presence in the server calls for better times when I do drops and hand out apartments for the noobies. I ask that you do not dumb yourselves down for the kids.

BTW. I know this will be brought up so I'd like to touch on the fact that we are playing a game and shit talking is a part of it. If you kids can't take a little bit of shit talking from someone you've never met in person, EVER, then I think it's time to consider finding a different game to play. Or you can grow a dicc and learn to talk some shit back and leave it there instead of making stupid shit like THIS happen. Like honestly, I'm sure our moderators are annoyed by this too, but I know that there is a good share of players in this community looking at this commotion and shaking their heads at administration for sucking up to these little kids because they're crying so god damn much. Fuck the kids, I ain't doing nothing wrong to them, besides RCE (you're fucking sad because you're than the kids who've had it way worse from me, but you cry SO much more) because I was told that I was harrassing the new players? RCE is a veteran and he knows that he's the only one actually taking the time to cry to myback about it, show evidence, and leave out the part where I was actually getting along with OTHER players. I have always and will continue to help to community grow in a positive way. That does not mean I have to like everybody in the process. Especially when they are constantly putting my name in a bad light.

Not only have you made new players leave with your behavior, you are toxic to old ones and make their time here miserable. I doubt you will be unbanned with your behavior. First day your back I'm already getting messages from players asking why are you unbanned and you are already at it again. If you really care about your time here and would like to stay you have to genuinely prove you want to, not curse out an admin and then remove him from steam, if your serious about this and to not harass little kids you would guinely say sorry and prove to the team, my back whoever you listen to your not going to be an asshole

+rep He apologized (to me), and it seemed pretty sincere. He most likely would stop harassing players if he was asked nicely to.

But I guess if he were to stay banned, you wouldn't know the outcome of asking nicely.

From what I heard last night, Gnome is willing to give you one more chance, as am I.

The only thing that stands in front of the appeal is…everyone else.

Dont know a lot about you, but i frequently hand out punishments to those ruining the enviroment of the server, not cool.

IMO if you are a toxic member to the community you should not deserve to be here because in the past people have been banned for being toxic.And you are no different to them members of this community who are toxic and ruining other peoples times.If the community doesnt want you to be unbanned im sorry.There is nothing anyone else can do about it but you.If you change your behaviour and become less toxic and nicer to the newer players maybe people will not want you to be banned.As i said before if the community wants you to be rebanned. There is nothing anyone else can do other than you changing the way you behave while playing on this server.

As sheckles said if you were harassing newer players and making new players leave and driving away all the old players i dont see why after a long time of this community building up ,with newer and older, I personally dont see why you should be a member of this community.But if myback and gnome think you will change the way you act while on the server so be it they will unban you.But the as everyone can clearly see the community doesnt want you unbanned.

And i have nothing against you. TBH i haven't met you properly yet.But as the way you ruin your own chances on this server doesnt look like im ever gonna get to met you.So i wish you the best of luck with getting unbanned.And if you do get unbanned we as a community will expect a change on your half as if you get unbanned we opened up to you.This is all i have to say about this subject.

Darek wrote

IMO if you are a toxic member to the community you should not deserve to be here because in the past people have been banned for being toxic.And you are no f myback and gnome think you will change the way you act while on the server so be it they will unban you.But the as everyone can clearly see the community doesnt want you unbanned.

If he was going to change the way he acted he would have done that when he got unbanned the first time.

flycrippin wrote

Sorry to say but what I do to these kids that they find So threatening is entering their house and taking their shit or randomly kill them here and there. NOT really a big deal until they find out it's a little hard to do something back. Naturally in revenge they will report me to an admin crying about it. I'm telling the moderators right now if ANY of you actually took the time to play in the server, you will quickly notice that players like RCE and Skittle will cry over just about anything and take the time to put my name in a bad like. Hence this kid posted on my thread already twice trying to bring me and my chances of getting unbanned down. You would also realize that I'm actually only not liked by certain players I may have wronged in the past! Nobody else has a problem! COME CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF BEFORE YOU SINGLE OUT INFO.

I find it funny how you think I'm crying over your puny insults.

-Rep Absolutely cancerous player of the community. Really nothing much else to say about you, the entire community hates you besides your little group of friends that you have. You deserve the ban you received.

-rep pretty mean to new players if they don't give you stuff when they join you make it living hell for them just like you did to me and GayW.

Maybe I'm blind? I don't know but every since he has come back to the server he really hasn't been harassing new players. In fact I even watched him show one where the video tutorial is at. I'm very confused as how he is harassing players since he gets on once every 1-2 hours, banks his money from his printers, and returns to his AFK session. Many people mention his toxicness BUT that seems to be the old Crip, not the new one. I like the new Crip

Joey wrote

In fact I even watched him show one where the video tutorial is at.

Anybody can tell someone to do "/help"

Skittle wrote
Joey wrote

In fact I even watched him show one where the video tutorial is at.

Anybody can tell someone to do "/help"

I don't wanna argue on a ban appeal but would the old Crip have told someone to do /help ? No because when i was new i asked him the same question. People are holding on to the old ways of Crip but he is a new man!

Joey wrote
Skittle wrote
Joey wrote

In fact I even watched him show one where the video tutorial is at.

Anybody can tell someone to do "/help"

I don't wanna argue on a ban appeal but would the old Crip have told someone to do /help ? No because when i was new i asked him the same question. People are holding on to the old ways of Crip but he is a new man!

Yet the -reps are still beating the +reps.

Skittle wrote
Joey wrote
Skittle wrote
Joey wrote

In fact I even watched him show one where the video tutorial is at.

Anybody can tell someone to do "/help"

I don't wanna argue on a ban appeal but would the old Crip have told someone to do /help ? No because when i was new i asked him the same question. People are holding on to the old ways of Crip but he is a new man!

But still the -reps are beating the +reps.

I never said that they didn't. I simply said my opinion can we leave it at that? Thanks