Your In-Game name:Skittle
Offenders In-Game name:Queso Cordator
Offenders Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:50544613
What server did this happen on?Roleplay
What rules did the offender break?Do not spam the chat or yell/scream in the microphone. (Chat spam, Mic spam.)
Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any:
Other Comments:Was mic spamming the entire video I took, and in the beginning of the video, I scrolled up in chat, he was chat spamming "REPORT ME F♥G"
You perm-gagged a new player that came on and spammed chat, but Queso has done it multiple times, and has also mic spamming multiple times, being muted for about 5 minutes each time.
You see the problem there?