sounds like it was out of jest rather than a real threat

Why do you care I have only ever been ddosed once out of hundreds of threats most of them are just people that want to sound cool and powerful.

Can you fucking not triple post? Edit your existing post using the + sign.

Ummm I HIGHLY doubt thats ban worthy... its just a theat he probaly doesn't even know how.

XanX wrote

Can you fucking not triple post? Edit your existing post using the + sign.

Cough Actions sign Cough.

Skittle wrote
XanX wrote

Can you fucking not triple post? Edit your existing post using the + sign.

Cough Actions sign Cough.

yea that lol.

Half the time when people say they will ddos u there just trying to act like they know everything but in reality there dumb ass

crocker wrote

Half the time when people say they will ddos u there just trying to act like they know everything but in reality there dumb ass

Indeed, just ignore it, first of all I'm pretty sure he won't be able to get your IP, just don't add him on Steam as it will enable him to get your IP. You're in no threat from a kid, "I'LL DDOS YA" - Ye, jog on mate. Topic locked. Punishment: None - not a real threat, no need to worry about it.