If you've played on the server recently at all you've probably heard of the new Jackpot being hosted by the player Ghost. If you haven't, this is the way it works. You, and any other player deposit the same amount of money to ghost, he then uses a random number generator to select the winner. In my own opinion, this is a very fun and good idea, and so far it seems to work well with few complaints, none of which were anymore than players butthurt that they had lost money.
Continuing on, today, Ghost made a new post where players with cop, and over 100 hours can now apply to help him host the jackpot, which is a good deal, because the hosts take a 10% cut. This of course made a lot of people get excited and apply, including myself. However, I see one issue.
I bare now ill will towards Ghost. He seems very cool, likable, and trustworthy. However, my issue is this: Is it right that he has a monopoly on this jackpot idea? Okay, so yes, it was his idea. I don't think anyone is denying that. He came up with it, and he implemented it. However, does that mean he has a monopoly on it? I mean this is covered no where in the rules. At all. So what is to be done? Does Ghost get the final say on everything concerning this idea? How would that be enforced? Realistically, anyone could host this. Please tell me what you think.
Server Jackpot Discussion
Well no he doesnt have a monopoly, multiple people do this
and also, i think he stopped taking his 10% out
He's hosted it so much that whenever another player tries to host it, they only go to Ghost, so not really anyone could do it, unless the server had literally only new players on, who didn't know Ghost.
He does have a monopoly, he's made over 300k already.
When other players started to host it they were saying they were gonna take 5% and ended up take more than 25% Ghost is the only trustworthy host and he wont take your money.