In-game name:

Steam ID: ?Chris?

Age: 17

Do you have a mic and are you willing to use it: Yes I do alot of communication on the server with players already.

Days of the week are you available to play: 7 days a week i am on literally everyday.

Hours In-game: About 10 hours already

Time Zone: PST

Experience: Almost all of i i played on alot of servers similar to this and i read all rules and watched the video etc.. i almost understand about 100% of the server rules and how to play and can get new players get the idea

Why we should pick you over the applicants: I think you should pick me because I am on 24/7 basically I have skype if anything goes wrong or if players need help that i am willing to give out my skype for if they need it and i can also be in staff calls to work out or talk about better ideas for the server etc etc..

Steam ID is a string of numbers found in-game. Use something like Steam ID converter to get it.

Also you need at least 100 hours in-game to apply for admin.


Make another application once you meet the criterion.

Oh ok Question tho since it's prob close to 100 hours Yama has around 75 hours but then again it's close but ok i'll wait thanks for checking my app

Mewn wrote

Steam ID is a string of numbers found in-game. Use something like Steam ID converter to get it.

If you go in game, go to console, and type "status", you can see everyone's Steam ID without a converter. Just letting you know just in case. 😉

Hello Chris, thank you for your consideration to be an administrator on our server.

?Chris? wrote

Oh ok Question tho since it's prob close to 100 hours Yama has around 75 hours but then again it's close but ok i'll wait thanks for checking my app

Yama's case was different. He had plate this exact gamemode in it's original form, in HL2😃M, as he knows most if not all the factors of Lite Roleplay. We apologize about this rare case as you have followed it from example about the hours requirement.

This application is on hold for now. It will be locked and awaited in this forum. If and when you reach 100 hours we will re-open it for review.

Thanks again for your consideration.