Your suggestion:
The current job system is terrible. I think we all know why-
The Drug Dealer is the only one you can efficiently profit on, most of the other jobs are either useless or rely on some aspect that is volatile i.e. if the server is full or not.
Here's my solution(s):
RP Guide: Delete this Job. It's confusing, no one ever uses it, and it's the admins job in the first place. Not to mention there is a video tutorial.
Thief: Keep the same.
Medic: Delete this job. There's food for a reason. Deleting the medic increases the use of food, the increased use of food leaves more trash, and more trash = better business for Sanitation. Not to mention using a medic is inefficient.
DRASTICALLY INCREASE the reward you get for picking up trash. Like around $2000-3000 per piece of trash. Why?
Because trash is a risky resource. Sometimes there's none and sometimes there's a a few pieces for picking up. This way people would actually be INCLINED to use this job, as opposed to drug dealer.
Hooker: Delete. Pointless job.
Banker: N/A
Hitman: Increase reward for killing someone as a hit. Customer pays $750, but for killing them, the hitman receives maybe around $5000 or $6000. Why? Because it's rare people even want to hire another person to do a hit, they'd just rather do it themselves. Apart from that, there's the cost of the weapons/armor/food/lockpicks you have to buy, that you're risking losing.
Penny Picker: DRASTICALLY increase the amount received for picking up coins. I picked up coins for 30 minutes with lots of people fighting/deaths/dropped coins, and I only made about $1700. For drug dealer you can make $5500 every like 15 minutes just AFK'ing. Seriously.
I would suggest x20 the amount found on the ground. It's not that often you find anything other than $1 and $5. Even then you would have to find 3 100 dollar bills to make the amount of a drug dealer in 15 minutes.
How would your suggestion benefit our server:
Avoid confusing players with useless bullshit, and encourage actual roleplaying other than cops vs. drug dealers
Any other comments:
Thanks 😃