in-game name: mr. xpensive Crip
steam id: STEAM_1:0:13653071
age: 22
do you have a miCrophone and are you willing to use it? yes, and i will use it if neCessary. miCrophone spamming is one of my pet peeves.
days of the week you are available to play: i am available to play any day of the week. i do tend to travel for work here and there throughout the year however.
Current hours in-game on our server: 150+. no exaCt amount beCause the server is Currently down due to reCent updates.
time zone + loCation on planet earth: paCifiC. los angeles, Ca.
rules you view as most important: there are a Couple rules that stood out to me, but i would say that miCrophone spamming and mass rdm should be regulated most.
why do you want to beCome a Cop and why should we piCk you over other appliCants?
after spending a deCent amount of time on the server, i've notiCed that many of the Cops on the roster are inaCtive or rarely play in the server. as an aCtive partiCipant who has learned the mod pretty quickly and notiCed the many absent Cops on the roster, i hope to be an effeCtive and aCtive Cop in the Community and also try and bring more players into the game as well by promoting the server while playing in Competitive games. (doesn't hurt to try, right?) i find that this will help everyone, from people who want their drugs or money printers to run faster and to the owners who might want their server to be more oCCupied. also, i will take the initiative to help newer players get through the map to the best of my knowledge hoping they won't leave the server after find themselves Clueless and bored. thanks for taking the time to read my app and remember imma real 1.
mr. xpen$ive Crip from da naybahood 60z