Honestly, I have been trying to stop all this rivalry and bullshit that's been going on the past couple of days, as well as refrain from causing more drama because I honestly think it's extremely cancerous to the server... Now reviewing this from both parties, im going to say that I think it was unfair for jamal to exact this judgment on NKB (roldy) without any serious hard evidence. We've been told time and time again that when it comes to reports, we need hard evidence which can mean more than screenshots or "witnesses." From the screenshots that NKB has provided, it doesn't seem like neither shoxx nor nty came forth with any solid proof that NKB was in-fact rdm'ing as cop. So for jamal to simply believe their word and take away NKB's cop seems extremely biased and unfair.
As we all know, nty has been reported for cop abuse and lapsha's isnt the only one to say that nty has been abusing his cop powers. And numerous people have said it, including lapsha, myself, bish (admin), etc, but nothing seems to have been done against him, which is why it doesn't make much sense that when shoxx (chris) and nty went to jamal to tell him that NKB has been cop rdm'ing, jamal takes his cop away without any reasonable evidence. People have said that jamal is friends with shoxx and nty and are in the same gang so for this to happen only strengthens their statement and begins to look like an extremely biased decision - taking NKB's cop away.