Your In-Game Name: Darek
Admins In-Game Name: Bish Whet
Admins Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:107505884

What server did this happen on? RolePlay Server

What rules did the admin break? He was abusing /slap and killed aloha (he isnt making this report because he was asleep and i wanted it to be out as fast as possible)Aloha had 18k on him and bish decides to listen to his friends and /slapped aloha to death then after this he continues to kill people with /slap.This is not the right was to behave as a admin.

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Image :

Other comments: I have talked with other admins and the said this is major admin abuse.And also in the video moelofmister admits to abusing cop by vip jailing aloha for no good reason.Then 1-800 hotlinebling tells him to kill aloha again for future reference.This is the 4th day in a row this has happened and this is not acceptable. (aloha has lost about 80k from this abuse. So i told him to record a demo and catch who was abusing, so he did and we caught bish in the act.)

LOL I never admitted abusing anything as cop. I put aloha in VIP because he was rdm'ing and I would have done the same thing to Lapsha for rdm'ing too had he not left the server. Just doing my job~

Second of all hotline bling kept changing his name to avoid getting slapped because we were messing around and trolling and he happened to change his name which changed his number in the admin command menu... i never meant to intentionally slap aloha. Second of all i never abused aloha and took him out of his house or afk room ever.
Check the logs. I can put anything I own on it that i never used an admin command to take him out. Neveer have i kicked his door as well.

Today was a complete accident and i can give him his money back. I didn't realize he died.
In the video you see that i slapped jojo, because he changed his name.. it was an accident.

Thanks darek.

LOL he was killing real life friends

derrick just mad he got his shit taken away why else would he be taking parts away from the video and what not

[size=18pt][size=14pt]i havent lost anything. xD . aloha has lost like 80k because this isnt the first time u have killed him.That was the 4th night in a row you have done that.And ik u did it on purpose because u slapped him twice then decided to slap him again just to kill him.You know what you did.And you did it on purpose.And there is proof because in the video you can hear your friend say kill aloha for future reference.And you killed him.Funny isn't.[/size][/size]

funny how u can tell u cut it out and cut out when he said he was trying not to kill you tho . when he kill you (which was a accident) did he take ur money? i think not. so whats the point in killing you . bish was just trying to troll mr 6 about killing you and accidently did bruh

Listen why are you talking for him.Let HIM talk not you.I want him to speak up and admit to what he has done.Not you.

Darek wrote

Other comments: I have talked with other admins and the said this is major admin abuse.And also in the video moelofmister admits to abusing cop by vip jailing aloha for no good reason.Then 1-800 hotlinebling tells him to kill aloha again for future reference.This is the 4th day in a row this has happened and this is not acceptable. (aloha has lost about 80k from this abuse. So i told him to record a demo and catch who was abusing, so he did and we caught bish in the act.)

Okay we were just having fun man........ if all of us really were getting abused we would have came here to report it ourselves. Secondly I don't see why you need to take these things out of context by skipping through the demo when you clearly know Aloha was rdming leading to his VIP. Thirdly, I'm allowed to kill who ever I want especially if they start killing me out of nowhere first (Aloha). I did change my name to japanese which you can check on my steam profile and you can hear at the end of the video bish saying Aloha records everything. Why would someone who knows this blatantly abuse the ONE person who is recording? Its not like he killed him to take his money. You say he lost money but do you see bish whet going in to take his money after killing him? It clearly wasnt for the money as you seem to think and you can see me constantly change my name to avoid the slaps and other people do get slapped on accident not just Aloha.

why u doing this for lapsha let him defend himself instead of you attacking us for no reason

LOLOL darek. why are you more upset than aloha himself.
My friend was upset at aloha because someone kicked our door and took him out of his room.

Dr.6 went afk and came back to his computer and he was locked in alohas house. hes a new player.
obviously he wants revenge....
and Darek it wasnt me using admin commands to kill aloha or kick his door.

ask aloha for the rest of the video.. theres prolly a part where i tell my friend i wont abuse my admin on other people LOLOL
also theres prolly a part where i know aloha is recording.
why would i purposely abuse him when i know hes recording.

Why the fuck is every1 still talking i dont want any1 but Bish to talk I want him to own up to it not his little friends bitching about he did nothing.We can clearly see it in the video.

Thats one good thing u have talked.Now admit u killed him.If u were messing around u still dont spam commands.And why where you slapping for damage in the first place?

cuz hotline bling is a global elite and i wanted to give me and the others a handicap
and i was obviously spamming the commands LOL
which lead to an accident.

Dont tell me my friends are bitching either. They just want to tell you the truth.
Its literally impossible for me to slap hotline when his name is in japanese.
So i brought up the admin menu to do it and when he changed his name the numbers swapped or something
i dont even know if the number change as to do with name change or death but it was changing.

so say i was pushing 4 to slap hotline
and then aloha suddenly became 4.

But why did you stop half way thru the slaps?You slapped him 2 times Then slapped him again after like 5 secs of waiting u knew it was him.

btw everyone in that video you see me abusing are my real life friends.

minus jojo. he was an accident as well

If i really wanted to abuse him i would have taken his money as well.
I was just playing around with some friends and a misclick happened.

Its not like im saying i wont own up to paying him back.
I legitimately didnt even know i killed at the time.

Darek wrote

Why the fuck is every1 still talking i dont want any1 but Bish to talk I want him to own up to it not his little friends bitching about he did nothing.We can clearly see it in the video.

To be clear you are the one bitching by posting this for your friend.

btw aloha and u prolly also think ive been abusing him these past days because lapsha is saying so.
but that guy has no evidence or proof.

If you wernt abusing why do u need our friends to fight for you? Dont see me having any1 fight for me do you? You need your friends to mask your wrong doings .Because you cant hide them without them can you?