Magical Turtle through recent events Quesso has started acting very sensitive to harassment. He has claimed multiple times you should never harass someone and its extremely rude. then epic and a few others received this poke Clearly his report before was just to try and get a member he was not fond of (kitten) banned. Making false accusations of harassment is bad enough but to turn around and harass multiple members of the community is even worse. due to the ending of the last incident i would expect action to be taken upon this!
ion Ever thought it could be someone impersonating Queso? Not trying to defend him or anything but it's a possibility.
myback Darek wrote Personaly I dont think this is queso. Well he did it to me yesterday, and it was his voice, unless someone could imitate HIS voice. Guys...this is something Queso WOULD do...
_ken_ 12 Sheckles a meme wrote Darek wrote Queso voice changer?? I'd shoot ken for that Anything for a queso voice changer o rip me