myback wrote
It would be nice for the benefits to be listed below their respectable category in columns.
Also we all have been thinking abou nerfing donor quite a bit, while buffing the new supporter, soon to be $5.00 monthly.
Hahaha 😃
I don't think our website will be ever phone-compatible so yeah there's that.
12 Sheckles a meme wrote
It moves!
Will the VIP job have a use with these new changes and buffs?
Ofc it moves. :3
Also I'm pretty sure the VIP job will have a use at some point soon in the future.
{WOLF} Wolfclaw wrote
nice work on the page brotatochip. It's always nice having a big and visible progress bar to make people want to fill it 😃
Ty "brotatochip?" .-. kk?
Ofc, that's the point, big and long so that everyone wants it. >:3