In-Game name: Professor Science
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102130900
Age: 16.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes I do have a microphone, and are willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play: Every day for a good amount of hours.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 60
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: (Utc-4) Atlantic time (Canada)
Rules you view as most important: No Racism, No Randomly killing people is one of the biggest rules another rule that should be followed is Not Mic spamming or chat spamming, Such as chat spamming websites, hacks or other advertises, I have been known to Random But I only attack people because they kill me first so I get revenge as I wouldn't get revenge as a cop because It says no revenges as a cop.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?: I'll tell you why Professor Science wants to be a cop, Because I want to be able to stop the Rdmers and make sure that the server doesn't become a warzone or be called a deathmatch, Most other applications probably have this, so this is not very unique, Also since I am on the server a lot and are going to be on alot I want to be able to help the new players and give them a warm welcome from Professor Science and make sure they know how things work, I also want to become a cop because I can enforce the law and help players in ways.
Why should you pick Professor Science?, Because I can help the new players as well as be the law, and because.. I am sure I have the experience to be a cop.
About The Professor: I am new to Counter Strike : Global Offense but I've learned to play quite quickly And I am infact another Canadian.
I have also read the cop rules multiple times so I know what I can and cannot do.
I hope this gets some nice +rep I really hope to become the law.
Regards, Professor Science