In-Game name:
{WOLF} Wolfclaw
Steam ID:
18 years of age. 19 in September.
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
Yes, I have a microphone (of questionable quality) and I am always willing to use it.
Days of the week you are available to play:
As of now, every day. In the near future I will be starting university, and will update my schedule accordingly.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 39
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:
EST (GMT - 5). I am located in Ottawa, Ontario, in the Canadian Dominion.
Rules you view as most important:
No mass RDMing, and no mic spam. I am known to RDM on my own, but I make it a point to only kill people who have gotten on my bad side, and I do not mass RDM everyone in sight. Also screaming into the Mic is just plain annoying.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I want to become a cop, because i personally do not like the state of the police force. I find the cops seem to be run through with extremely arrogant streaks, and that they seem to beleive that just because they CAN kill a civilian, they should. They use rules to justify one-sided RDM on civilian players, right up to the point of baiting players into the police dept, or even claiming "self defence" because you fired a weapon near them. More often than not, I will see a cop kill a civilian over the fact that civilian killed another civ, ignoring the fact that wuite often it's self defence, or revenge for RDM. I aim to change this attitude from the inside. As cops they might HAVE the right to slaughter civilians over petty actions, but that doesn't mean they need to excercise that right. I can't say that you should pick me over other applicants, because I don't know what beleifs or ideals they bring to the table, but I can say that i have extensive cop experience from two HL2DM-RP servers, as well as previous experience of working under Myback, and King of KFC Jamal.