In-Game name: Jackelz
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:6085911
Age: 22
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes, and Yes.
Days of the week you are available to play: Most days of the week, but when I return to school end of August my hours will be a bit more limited than as of right now due to work, rugby and school, but I enjoy the server enough ,from what I've experienced, to remain active in the community.
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 36
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Central Mountain Time; (Houston, Texas then moving to Arkansas for school)
Rules you view as most important:
"*Do not ever kill a new player for no set reason. Doing so will result with Warn -> Ban for 10 Minutes -> Ban for 1 Day -> Permenent Ban Killing cops does NOT count. Another exception is players with bounties, or immensely high crime."
- I believe that when newer players are RDM'd for no good cause, especially from spawn and during tutorial( if applicable), you are providing them a negative view of the community and giving them the wrong sense of what this mod and map is all about. Furthermore excessive RDM'ing of new players leads to them raging, quitting the server, or becoming RDM'ers themselves, further increasing the problem, and thinning out the community.
"Cops should VIP Jail players who Mass RDM...(i.e. players who non defensively kill 10 times in 5 minutes)"
- Mass RDM can lead to chaos and many crossfires happening between many players, resulting in grudges and endless conflict. So if, as a cop you can VIP the main RDM instigators, you can help restore order back to the city, and allow citizens to go about business as normal.
"*For a non violent crime, Civilians may surrender themselves to Police, if this happens, it's a CUFF/UNCUFF."
-Just punishments should be served, and if a cop VIPs or Jails a non-violent offender who surrenders, then that may harbor feelings of hostility or aggression to others or towards the police within that non-violent offender, leading to more violence.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
-Though my hours may be lower than many other applicants, I have quite a few hours logged in The Specialist RP, GmodRP, anda few in HL2RP, and have been on the police force on many servers through out these games. I feel as though I have the skill sets, and decision making to promote order and peace within the community, rather than mass grenade cuffing and jailing to handle every situation. I am not a fan of RDM'ing, and will be as fair, and non-partial to all offenders and distribute justice equally according to their crimes and their history.
Thank you for taking the time to read my application, and giving it any thought or consideration!