Your In-Game name: Vax | Unitas Gaming (It was Negev at the time of the incident)

Offenders In-Game name: Jav

Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_7:6:561198135131007

What server did this happen on?: RolePlay Server

What rules did the offender break?: Abuse of cop powers

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: Unfortunately, no I do not. But I was not the only victim of his abuse and I could get a statement from another victim if you would like.

Other Comments: Please deal with this issue as fast as you guys can. VIPing someone for using a teleporter to get into the PD is just silly and uncalled for. I know for a fact that another victim of his abuse no longer plays on the server as a result of this incident. Thank you for your time.


If he told you a couple of times to not glitch into the PD with the teleporter then it's understandable why he sent you into VIP jail.
One of the rules is that cops are allowed to kill on sight in the PD.
The fact that you're able to glitch into the PD with the teleporter doesn't mean you can do it, trust me, it's pretty annoying to deal with.
Just don't do it next time.

There is a huge difference between "glitching" into the PD and using a door hack to break into the PD. If he used the doorhack to break
in and set the teleporter then the only thing a cop can do if he has a TP in the PD is call a KOS on him until said telporter is removed.
VIP jail is only meant for massive RDM not a punishment when a cop is simply frustrated with a player!

Just to clarify IT WAS NOT MY TELEPORTER!!
I was new to the server and had no idea where the teleporter went, I paid the $100 and it took me into the jail. When Javert saw me he killed me, and then put me and one other player in VIP jail for 600 seconds. He let the player who placed the teleporter get off with a warning.