An update will be administered 8:00 PM EST to our Roleplay Server @
Note the patch notes/changelog provided for changes:
Added alternate bank menu for when your bank amount is below $0
Added kill logs - any death will be printed to console along with their appropriate killer and weapon
Added missing beep sound where buying an item in credit that goes below $-5,000 in the player's bank
Added a define/constant variable for the ItemID of freedom cards to ensure stability
Added VIP shop NPC ~ items sold are ungiveable
Re-Added Roulette zone located in YoMama's casino ~ available for betting ~ $5,000 max
Re-Added crafting sound intended for future use
Hitting E on garbage props while being sanitation will now reward you with the amount spent on the respected garbage
Garbage props are now non-solid, players will no longer get stuck in them
Adjusted the price of Jetpack fuel to fit the standards of the current economy
Updated gambling HintText to correspond with the player's color code
Fixed an exploit where players could jump into other apartments by spamming plants/printers
Fixed a bug where withdrawing via menu would say you have negative money in your bank
Fixed an instance where the re-supply NPC would not resupply ammo
Removed boost from planting drugs and placing printers
Removed the ability to use freedom cards while in VIP jail
Removed being able to reset VIP jail time by disconnecting
I will STILL be publishing news for MoonShade Gaming soon, so stay tuned!
Thank you to all who reported the bugs and exploits.