In-Game name: Comvic (formerly Vic Rattlehead)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52521654
Age: 23

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Indeed. Been using it far too much since I have been apart of this community.

Days of the week you are available to play: While I do work full-time currently, I am able to get on relatively frequently and as needed. I have discord/steam on mobile so just contact me there if necessary. My work schedule is 3-11pm EST. so either before 3 or after 11 I am usually available on most days.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 2 hours estimated in the server. However I have more than 100+ invested since I first joined in 2016. I am hoping to rack up the minimum requirement this week however to keep with the guidelines. I also have two previously accepted cop apps and experience with such. One app from around 2016 give or take, and one from July 18th of 2020.

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Eastern Standard Time, USA.

Rules you view as most important: My answer will be pretty consistent: respecting others while maintaining a fun experience. If you are gonna run around killing people, at least do so with a smile and not harassing others to intentionally anger them. Respect toward your friends and staff members goes a long way to a good time.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
**Simply put: its a fun job! I find the idea of leveling up a character and getting to play as a job I am familiar with to be a great time. Of course as previously mentioned, the variety helps a great deal. Its just simply an enjoyable job that adds a lot of fun interactions with other players.

Regarding picking me over other candidates, I'd say I am best both for my previous experience as a cop on a server, as well as not treating it as a power trip. Every job/role has its limits, and it all ties into that respect for one another. Whenever I am needed I will respond (in and out of the server), and I will do it with good faith. That and I love this server. I think devotion to a community is a quality that many would overlook. Some could look at this and go "oh that's just a random job." However, I find that getting to be a cop enriches the experience overall for a place I love to frequent. Thank you guys for all the memories over the years, and I hope to make more 🙂**

5 days later

On hold: waiting until next week when you have the hours