[size=large]SteamID: 76561199028924342 ; https://steamcommunity.com/id/justdeathdood/ ; [url]STEAM_0:0:534329307[/url] [/size]
Age: 14
Yes I have a microphone, and yes I will use it when needed.
I can play everyday, I have a lot of time
Time on server: 4 Hrs. 48 Mins
Washington, United States, Pacific Time Zone
I been an admin one of the HNS servers awhile ago, but the owner closed down the server.
I will be active and I trust my ability to enforce the rules. The server is doing well and I want to help you guys keep it that way. I also want to help with the cheater problem that I noticed. For all the time I played on the server I saw at least 2 cheaters. I just sit there and look at them. I want to help and stop the hackers.
Admin Application
We are not looking for any admins apps at the point. Sorry! heres my discord if u have any questions. Indecpt#0001
Good Day.