In-game name: lust ( )

Server you were banned on: moonglow HNS and Chase.

Who banned you: SlickVs

Reason for ban: "Hitting a 272"

Steam ID: ( STEAM_0:1:570953802 )

Reason you think you should be unbanned: I believe I deserver more information then hitting a 272. I have starting to play on this server a lot and have increased my scored slowly and gradually. Just this weekend I spent more than 14 hours online.

Evidence to support claim (if any): Vouches from others that I am legit I can attach if needed.

Investigating... Unbanned for now btw

I was the one to ban him. he hit a 273 or 272 but he didnt strafe. either hes really good beacause he was apart of a cheating group and they were cheating too. so i banned him for hitting a really good lj. if he doesnt have proof that he was cheating he will get banned again. also Jonizal. add my discord and we will talk about this. lean? nah water#3583

so for now hes going to be banned from my perspective.

It was a 272 with 7 strafes you where playing at the time so I have no idea how you could have watched

and you think all 6 or so others where apart of a cheating group I am in? :weirdchamp:. I would appreciate another review

Your actually not thinking. I am not sure if others where cheating but I sure wasnt thats why I would appreciate another review (from someone who can put it more effort then to say I was cheating with a gang of 6+ cheaters.

What am I a cheating clan leader?

the wr for a lj is a 275 and u hit a 273

unless if u have proof u werent cheating. have a good day

And what type of proof would you like because if I have I can help you out

just proof u werent cheating

also the wr is not 290 LOL

WHAT TYPE. I mean I cant go back in time

the wr for a lj is not a 290 lj

Yes it is

94% OMEGALUL yeah sureeee, we still need proof u werent cheating. if u have no proof ur staying banned.