I was playing on HNS and I was kicked from the session. I tried to log back on and it says I was banned? The message was "You have been banned from this server." It didn't give me a reason, I wasn't cheating, so why was I banned?

A moderator banned you for AHK'ing. Do you have anything that might help show you did not?


I don't have anything to prove against it, but I wasn't hitting crazy longjump stats when I was banned. My pb on the leaderboard for ljtop is 270 because I did a ladderbug, nothing external. That might be a reason for a mod thinking I was AHKing.

I banned u beacuse u were hitting crazy red stats in little time. and gained speed without strafing, i had my friend watch u and i watched u too.
ill decide with the admins if i should unban u. Have a good day

Give me ur discord and we will talk about it.

YoWazy, post: 26206, member: 1643 wrote

I banned u beacuse u were hitting crazy red stats in little time. and gained speed without strafing, i had my friend watch u and i watched u too.
ill decide with the admins if i should unban u. Have a good day

Also, reds aren't that hard to hit, especially if you have over 700hrs in just HNS and KZ servers. Red stats start at 255 and I didn't hit anything over 260. I don't really see the reason for why I was AHK-ing. As for gaining speed fast; HNS servers have a high airaccelerate, strafing once in a circle can get you well over 300 speed in general.