My username in Game: Alarmed
Person of Interest's name: Beafrayed
What they were doing wrong: Basically it started yesterday, after he on purpose put me in the Chamber knowing I had money on me and killed me and collected it and realized and he gave it back, Denied knowing I will drop it but I told him that I will, then with Crime I jumped off a roof and Avoided cuff as a Joke with someone In-game, I got a 10 minute VIP from Nice (Deserved and admitting to that) then he comes along and makes it 30 Minute VIP without it being his cuff (Video 1) then whilst I was in VIP cell he shot me in the head and I spawned in the cells then he Shot me AGAIN whilst cuffed in my cell (In Video one) then he would shoot [member=1317]SaMyBoY[/member] and I and heal us in the cell whilst cuffed... And has been Afking as Cop all day (Sent to jack and Rabbit on Snapchat didn't save it) and AFK'd outside of my Door for a good 15 minutes until I stabbed him and sold my drugs, He came back I told him "Wth you afked outside my door and I couldn't get out" He replied "Well you should've come out before I afk'd" (Video 2 is proof of him afk at my door along with Video 3)

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:

(Watchout Ear rape on Video 1)

What do you have to say about this?


I will reply as I see none of the other admins are:

The player should not have increased your VIP sentence as it was the other cop's decision.

It's disappointing to see the same player, as a cop, blocking your door while also afking. We are thinking about somehow making push accessible in circumstances such as these but not in all. Maybe only near your door? I apologize for your inconveniences.

(Disclaimer: Normally if this report is accepted he will be warned and next offense as cop will result in removal. It's the policy - I didn't make this up. But since this is two separate situations then idk. He needs a chance to defend himself)


1) A 10-minute VIP was enough for evading cuffs. 30 minute is usually reserved for players who continue to exploit and mass-rdm. Please use it sparingly. It was the other cop's decision, Nice's decision, to VIP Alarmed, not yours.

2) Why did you choose to AFK right in front of his door? Were you doing this on purpose or do you claim this is an accident?

We are not here to remove your cop, we are here to figure out how this won't happen again.

To Jon or admin reviewing this,
I'll gladly take the warn for afk and cop abuse, I've already explained to kaiser why I afk and when I afk, I've never been Afk for longer than 30 mins as cop. Additionally, on the cop abuse with the medic, yes I did do it but I didn't make a substantial amount of money (around $500). Finally, the 30 min Vip, it was obviously a joke and if the video was recorded longer it would've shown that he was only in jail for around two minutes instead of the 10 he was supposed to serve.
Happily, Beaf

P.S. I've also asked kaiser to get bird online to give me keys

I think the biggest thing that annoys me with yarf's cop is how he says something is a joke but then keeps doing it. It just gets very annoying. I also don't like how you can stay AFK as cop or joke around but the second somebody else is doing it you tell them it's against the rules and start bitching.

I think you had ok defenses but I had enough of you saying "it was just a joke"

thank for reading <3

also, the amount of money you shouldn't justify whether it is reportable/acceptable or not, in the end, you are still abusing.

Plus I've heard a rumour he has a past Warning or two... But hey can't be bothered to check... plus I'm sure if anyone else did it they'd get bamboozled on spot... Just tired of seeing him AFK 4-5 times a day saying he has a reason when he legit didn't... Nor did he say a reason to me... nor did he have a reason to AFK outside of my door

SaMyBoY wrote

I think the biggest thing that annoys me with yarf's cop is how he says something is a joke but then keeps doing it. It just gets very annoying. I also don't like how you can stay AFK as cop or joke around but the second somebody else is doing it you tell them it's against the rules and start bitching.

I think you had ok defenses but I had enough of you saying "it was just a joke"

thank for reading <3

also, the amount of money you shouldn't justify whether it is reportable/acceptable or not, in the end, you are still abusing.

To Samy,
In my response to the report I only referred to the 30 min Vip as a joke and if you'd like to explain other times I've continued to break rules you can reply in a timely manner about other experiences. Next, I've explained the Afking in the previous response. Finally, the amount was additional information i.e. using parentheses to show additional information not to say that I shouldn't be punished for it.

P.S. When I jail you you always complain and try and call other cops to unjail you, now that's annoying

Kaiser wrote

Plus I've heard a rumour he has a past Warning or two... But hey can't be bothered to check... plus I'm sure if anyone else did it they'd get bamboozled on spot... Just tired of seeing him AFK 4-5 times a day saying he has a reason when he legit didn't... Nor did he say a reason to me... nor did he have a reason to AFK outside of my door

To Kaiser,
The rumor you heard was from an unreliable source (obviously) and if you'd like to check just search forum posts with my name in it and when I would Afk it would be for minor things like going to the bathroom or having to do chores around my house (since everyone is so confused why I afk). Finally, if everyone wants me to be a better cop, and this does address everyone, then I will have to follow rules to the "T" and be consistent with my jails and cuffs, for example, if someone begins to rdm I will full jail along with the future cuffs including drug and counterfeiting crime.

P.S. The reason I was afk outside of your door was because you were being stubborn and telling me off while sitting in your house with more than 1000 crime

So me telling you off for Right reasons gives you the ability to AFK as a COP outside of my door when you should've known I was going to plant and wasn't coming out but then nor were you going to move, and I didn't even have crime over 800 I had 400 + whatever you get from 3 plants (No not 6 plants I get the server flooding message so I gotta wait 30 seconds)

Plus if you have to go do something, like chores, or whatever.... It takes two seconds to switch to T, so why didn't you bother to simply switch instead of AFKIng 4-5 times in one day lasting from 5-20 Minutes... It's fucking simple

-Quick Reply-
To Kaiser,
It doesn't take 2 seconds to switch because I have to put my wallet money in the bank and make more checks. However, if we want to continue talking about rule breaking then explain why you are planting inside of Vip even though you don't have it.

I have my reasons and it doesn't justify my act but I was watching over someone who was doing Counterfeit as I snuck into their apartment hours ago and have been tabbed out for a while and couldn't leave VIP as everyone I know who's VIP is Away from their computer either disconnected or Asleep and I forgot I could disconnect until Bird just reminded me, And It does take two seconds... Simply switch and go to a safe bank... Easy... If you can AFK as a cop for over 15 minutes, you could've spent another what.. 30 seconds Max to switch and do your checks later 🙂 pretty shitty excuse tbh, I had money on me when I was a cop It took NO TIME to switch and put it away, before you say anything about someone calling you, It takes 10 seconds to say "hold on I'll be right there" or to hold in your Piss and quickly switch and get to safe bank, if others can do it why can't you...

Plus let's use right now as an example, you could've simply switched from cop as we speak to reply to me as no one is even getting any crime nor going to get any you can get access to so you're basically just obtaining cop minutes for no valid reason... Four of us are counterfeit, Three are Drug dealing which we are not going to Spike past 800 anytime soon nor are you able to cuff Joyner Lucas, Bird or I... so why are you still as a cop... Not illegal just curious wouldn't you rather gain them minutes as actual playtime doing your JOB, or grinding money instead of sitting as a Cop outside of PD or around the map with nothing to do just racking your time up countlessly

To Kaiser,
It doesn't matter you bring up the same problem that I'm already getting the warn for and to be honest your kind of fishing for things to add on the next "Beaf Cop Abuse" post, so before replying bring some new content b.
Edit: Recent post just proved my point 🙂

I am not Fishing for anything, it is simple for you to simply just Switch and go to safe bank or a safe location but instead, you are AFKING as a cop... Cmon you were taught better in your cop traineeship, It's simple all of us can do it

To Kaiser,
This is my last pointless post because this forum is too long and you obviously need to realise that explaining the same thing over and over doesn't make your argument any more compelling.
P.S. Maybe you should learn how to write formally instead of using some grade school shit

Awww has to bring up my writing, why don't you learn how to switch and continue to switch instead of afking <3 love you goodnight daddy

HAHAHA I thought it was an "unreliable source"

Kaiser wrote

HAHAHA I thought it was an "unreliable source"

Regardless, my statement from earlier sticks. He is cop often while others aren't. It's that simple.