Basically, if you go as a Pizza Deliver and someone buys a door near the pizza man you can just run to it and deliver if they give everyone the keys... Just did a testing phase and managed to make 30K in half an hour, Which quite frankly is overpowered and straight-up abuse and I've just been sitting here thinking of a Way of how it could even be patched, I guess it's more of a noticing and punishing concept, I know the admins know of it just wanted to experiment with how much you could make from it... 5k Per 5 minutes (Roughly) Is quite overpowered considering Drug dealer with 8 players on is 5400 in 12 minutes... Any thoughts?

credits: [member=1317]SaMyBoY[/member]

I don’t think this is a major problem just something people should be aware about, this is definitely abusing but you don’t make major money so... I don’t think anything should really be updated in the job. Again I think people should just be aware of this and I think we can depend on the community not to abuse this.

I mean Making 60K An Hour if you bought the house on the left of Pizza man, you can deliver it within 6-8 seconds... and making 5k in Five minutes of grinding it... when Drug makes 5.4k in 12 minutes is pretty op and abusive... But yeah, It seems to be best to do on Shitty current map I forgot the name of

idk I think the admins should just make some kind of punishment for it. If somebody is doing it, it won’t take too long for people to notice and report it.

I mean 140 pizza's in your inv is pretty noticeable XD (Cough Bird)

Plus doing it can ruin people's AFKing as counterfeit Taking 21K of cash away in 25 minutes ;p

Yea I agree with you so I think the best solution is a punishment like short ban or probation for a day or two

Hello Kaiser,

It will take a few days before anything is done. For now please refrain from giving everyone keys and delivering that way.

Until we have the time to create a better solution, a time-based limit with delivering to players will be added to prevent this from happening.