Last post they said they dont get unbanned if they cheated but I just saw someone get unbanned and he used cheats so worth a shot

In-game name: lolisme (or lemon)

Server you were banned on: moonshade RP

Who banned you: spookyS

Reason for ban: Toxic, Cheating, Advertising

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:442480882

Reason you think you should be unbanned: Well its been 2 years or something i think now, eh I really do miss the enjoyment i had on the server as well with the community, I do admit i was toxic and I deserved the ban for being Toxic and Advertising, I wont address the cheating because clearly I still stand against it as i was playing legit. The advertising was a auto exec bind for this awp server i was a admin on to let them join my group and it was 9. so every time i hit 9 which is the exit on the menu's for bank or selling drugs it said bind so that is the reason for that. I was toxic because i was butt hurt spooky and rabbit and pretty much everyone was raiding it however over months of thinking about what i was doing I knew i deserved the ban and deserved the amount of hate I got. I want to grow along the side of moon shade and be apart of the community once again.

Evidence to support claim (if any): Willing to stream every time im on server to show i dont cheat

15 days later

can a staff member review this please.

As I stated three months ago:

Jon wrote

Denied. Sorry, cheating bans on our servers are permanent, we take them very seriously.