In-Game name: Revenant
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24277394
Age: 15
? Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
Of course, it is part of what makes a roleplay an experience.
? Days of the week you are available to play:
I have family and school but getting to the point, I'm available most of summer. Between August 18th and June 4th (My school year) I will be available on the weekends usually and 6:00PM to 10:00PM on weekdays.
? Current Hours In-Game on our server:
I currently have 14 hours on the server but please do not overlook this, I plan to get 30 very soon.
? Time Zone + Location on planet Earth:
GMT+/-4:00 - Florida, USA.
? Rules you view as most important:
I have played many roleplay servers in HL2DM dating back to 2008 but I find these rules the most compelling included in the server:
(1). "No mass RDMing" No one likes getting practically cyberbullying and I dont meant just 3 or even 5 kills, I am talking about like 20 in less than 30 minutes. I understand how it feels because I have been RDMed before and believe me when I say it gets annoying after the 3rd time, especially when you can barely do anything about it because the person is just that better than you. The point is it takes away the fun a player tries to have in a server.
(2). "No exploiting glitches or bugs to the server" I have dealt with people DDOSing roleplay servers in HL2DM on almost a massive and constant manner. I tried my hardest to help admins resolve the issue as a player but because I care about the servers I play. I don't enjoy seeing them crashing and dieing from a bad community or bug issues. This rule actually matters to me because I am aware that it is possible and I am a first hand victim of it on RP servers.
(3). Nothing specific, simply that as a cop I will respect all rules of cop and respect all players in the same manner. I want to set an example for new players and other cops and I DO NOT want to see people abusing power they are gifted with, earned really.
? Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
One main reason, experience. I have played literally on the first server of roleplay in HL2DM in 2008, Syles, Yo Momma, Chaos Crew, etc. you name it I've been there and I've been cop on all and nearly admin. I know what it takes to run a server and I know basically all the rules on any roleplay. Notice that I am still playing roleplay 7 years later. I have played roleplay with Myback as an admin and it was him actually I helped with the DDOS problem earlier on CC. I am just keeping this short and sweet, I respect my position as cop because I have been in it before and have been respected by the players on servers and I wish to be in Moonshade in CSGO. I believe I am worthy of the position and I should not be overlooked because of the hour policy because I have put many hours into roleplays of the past and I plan to do the same in this roleplay. Thank you for taking the time to read this.