In-game name: Kaiser -> IWatchedHimDrown
Server you were banned on: Moonshade Roleplay
Who banned you: Jack
Reason for ban: Cheating -> ESP, Aimlock, Aimbot, Chams, Triggerbot, Bhop, Auto Strafe
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:533882711 , STEAM_0:1:175174460
Reason you think you should be unbanned: So to start it all off with why I loaded up some Cheats and asked to be banned, Was because I was stressed and going through a rough time in person, Having to move house soon due to not being able to afford the rent of a 4 bedroom house, moving to a 2 bedroom house... And a lot going on with my ex whom cheated and is stressing me out as I'm also going to Youth offending team for six months due to being pressured into theft with her, which lead to assault and having a knife on me (Long story) I have Borderline Personality Disorder and all of the emotional stress with everything getting to me, I got into a terrible moon and decided Oh fuck this fuck everything I want to be banned, so I got myself banned and now I regret it and I'm back on the server with a new account due to being Vac Banned on my main (Rip cheap skins and 800 hours bois)... And I regret cheating on Moonshade and regret doing what I did... if I could I would've taken it back and just stepped away from my PC... But either way I'm doing a tad better in life, Ignoring everything my ex is doing, Reapplied for College got a taster day on March 28th, And going hopefully back to college in September, and moving house between now to September... and applying for therapy... That's all I have to say, more of a rant than anything