In-Game name: nice
Steam ID: 76561198257230517
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?: Yes and I am willing to use it

Days of the week you are available to play: weekdays after 3 or 4 pm and weekends after 5
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 50

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: GMT-6, Iowa

Rules you view as most important: No killing new players

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become a cop as I can help new players out in the game in order for them to have the best experience they can get when joining the server. New players can be trained properly in order for them to play the server instead of starting out in a bad way. Although it might be hard to train new players, it is worth it as they start to come back and play it more which brings the activity in the server up when people are afk or offline.

I believe I should be accepted as I am active on the server everyday and have friendly relations with people no matter who they are. Being on everyday means that new players will not just shoot each other and instead, they will be helped by me in order to play the server properly.

He's killed lots of cops, I think he deserves to know how it feels. +rep

really good person, name fits him well, would make a solid cop

Nice has done a lot of RDM against the cops and deserves to know how it feels when you're Bhopping your heart out and he pops you in the head tryna get a cuff uncuff... Fr tho, He's nice (Pun included) and helped me in many occasions.. Especially raiding some Rats

Not a good fit I think. And thats because when he would get cop I think he would abuse his powers and be a annoying cop who always ask for help.

I don't know what Remy is talking about nice is on every day and would be a good cop, before the reset he never abused or got into trouble.

9 days later

Accepted. Please see an admin in-game for cop training.