Your In-Game name: Trent
Offenders In-Game name: NiP GeT_LeFt
Offenders Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:88092414 12:13 71 0

What server did this happen on? Roleplay

What rules did the offender break? Mass RDM and Respect

Proof by screenshots or recorded footage, if any: None, but other people on at the time saw/heard it

Other Comments: He mass RDMed me twice (I didn't attack him at all and he was only killing me), told me no one likes me, called me and others "gay," and said he won't play competitive with "gays." Citizens and cops both didn't understand how he became a cop.

Lies? You just dont like me cuz I killed you like 3 times because you were killing me first... Stop lieing. Also, I was a player when i was killing him just so you know

LucasPlayz wrote

Lies? You just dont like me cuz I killed you like 3 times because you were killing me first... Stop lieing. Also, I was a player when i was killing him just so you know

(just going to put my input) Lucas treny is a moderately new player, you should help him and teach him if no one is around, not just plain rdm. Not exactly sure how valid this report is but thst behavior is unacceptable, you are even a cop and should uphold the rules. Respect all players next time.