In-Game name: Yasuo
Steam ID: STEAM_76561199020571382
Age: 20

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: I am currently able to play every day.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 85

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Atlantic Standard Time (GMT-4) - Canada, Nova Scotia

Rules you view as most important: (1) Cops should punish players when they Mass RDM, Exploit, avoid cuffs with a VIP Jail. (2) Do Not AFK as Cop.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I would like to become a cop on Moonshade RP because I want to enforce the law, keep frequent RDM'ers in jail, VIP those who mass RDM, and overall make the streets of the city much safer then they currently are, I wish to make people just trying to go on about their drug dealing their jobs* in safety and provide a much more enjoyable experience on the server. You should pick me over other applicants because I will be very active on the server, and have well surpassed simply learning the cop rules, I also will be frequently going on cop rather than just afk farming all day to ensure the streets are kept safe from those vile criminals.

Edit: Changed In game name

I think "bill" would be a nice addition to the force even though he has been a little meany boy recently. Honestly would be a good cop only thing I would see him do is abuse the switch command when doing counterfeit or minor abuses like that.

I would also change my name to professor science when writing a cop app.

I would actually not abuse the switch for counterfeiter, nor would I really need too sire, like a few people we know on this server that have wink wink nudge nudge

cool dude pretty fun to play with uh most definitely deserves cop more than anymore else and yeah

Pretty chill guy, had my Four Hour war with him... Breaking locks and all, He's fun to play with as long as he keeps that big ego of his out of it... Deserves to get cop

Bill is a cool guy who is online everyday is cool to play with on the server and should get cop because of his daily activity and he knows what hes doing

8 days later

Accepted. Please see an admin in-game for cop training.