Good evening, everybody

I would like to start off by saying this more of a suggestion/comments I want to see how the community feels about this issue.

While drug dealing almost all day I have realized that drug plants cost too much and are getting almost the same amount as a counterfeiter. For being online all-day or at least semi online all day I feel like a drug dealer deserver a bit more than what it is currently getting or at least a nerf is required for the counterfeit job since people are AFK all day on it and are still getting relatively good money. I would also point out that there are some people in the community that feel the same way.

Me and kaiser have conducted a series of tests to see how much more a drug dealer gains compared to an AFK counterfeiter.

Drug Dealer/ (Calculated in a base of 8 Constant players Online)
One Cactus costs $300, One Hundred Cactus costs $30,000,
Six Cactus takes Twelve Minutes to Grow to 300 Grams, 300 Grams X 6 Equals 1800 Grams, 1800 Grams = %5400
Twelve Minutes x 6 Equals An hour of grinding, 1800 Grams X 6 Equals 10,800 Grams, $5400 X 6 Equals $32,400
It Takes Thirty-Six Plants to make 10,800 Grams, You can get 32,800 Grams from One Hundred Cactus Plants, You can make $97,200 from that
That is $67,200 profit after Three hours of Grinding

Counterfeiter / (Calculated in a base of 8 Constant players Online + Kamis wage )
printers fill up to 12k per hour + 2.5k wage per hour
Total 3h makes around -43.5k

I would at least like to see some sort of nerf for the counterfeiter job like:

  • Having them get crime when printers are picked up (not allowing them to switch to cop.)
  • The more money on you the slower the printers get.
  • (suggestions please)

Concluding I find it pretty annoying that somebody can say up all-day grinding and still get relatively the same amount that a high wage counterfeiter gets.

Thanks for reading I would love to hear your ideas.

Getting crime while picking up generally isn't that good of an idea as usually friends will farm it for them. Having it so it doesn't have multiple lives and just one will nerf it a lot, or just upping the price. However if it gets nerfed significantly players might leave and thus make a drug dealer less money as well due to playerbase so this is something that would need to be thought about some more

We are currently looking into a way to solve the problem with counterfeiter switching to cop, I will update when a solution has been decided and implemented by the admin team.

7 days later

Thank you for your concern @SaMy:

SaMyBoY wrote
  • Having them get crime when printers are picked up (not allowing them to switch to cop.)

I agree however what if a cop who is their friend cuff/uncuffs them? Then you can just switch over with no consequences.

SaMyBoY wrote
  • The more money on you the slower the printers get.

This is a good start but maybe have a simpler solution in mind?

SaMyBoY wrote

Me and kaiser have conducted a series of tests to see how much more a drug dealer gains compared to an AFK counterfeiter.

Do you have any data collected from the test that can serve as evidence to help your claim? I know this isn't necessary but it doesn't hurt to have some, especially in some extreme situations.

Cappy Arts wrote

Getting crime while picking up generally isn't that good of an idea as usually friends will farm it for them. Having it so it doesn't have multiple lives and just one will nerf it a lot, or just upping the price. However if it gets nerfed significantly players might leave and thus make a drug dealer less money as well due to playerbase so this is something that would need to be thought about some more

Back to this: Cops are expected to enforce the "no exploiting" rule by VIP jailing players. This includes crime farming. I know it can be tempting to farm with someone to 100,000 crime but is it really worth potentially tarnishing your reputation as a player and cop for some extra experience and money? If the answer is yes, you are not alone.. we should talk about this later.

I have a solution in mind: No switching to cop when you are counterfeiter and have $XXX? money in your wallet. Thoughts?

Thank you all for the comments, before starting I would like to say that there are already people starting to walk to the bank instead of abusing their cop which I like to see.

I think your solution works pretty well, counterfeiters cant switch xxx amount of money. There is still a problem tho people can leave the server then rejoin as a cop avoiding the hole not being able to switch. I don't think this problem can be 100% fixed but there is a possibility of making it harder to exploit, For example, gaining crime after you pick up a printer and not being able to switch with a certain amount of money therefore when rejoining you have crime and can cant switch to cop.

Even after all of this a counterfeiter can just hand the money to an online cop and tell them to give them the money back when they are in the safe bank. The only solution I can see is having the admins push this issue and have some more punishments for the cops if they do abuse it. In the end, I think we have to rely on the community not to do this as we do with cuff boosting.

Since the counterfeiter job is so low risk I think it should cost a bit more but that is for a separate discussion.

In terms of drug dealing, I still think they should be rewarded more for being online:
-decreasing the cost of plants
-increasing the time it takes for them to finish

I agree completely, the costs of buying plants should be trimmed down a fair amount to balance against AFK printing players

KidCharlemagne wrote

I think cops should drop 25 to 50% of their money on death if it exceeds 2500. It almost denies the whole process as it would risk money as well as make it so that there is no incentive to this and it would increase risk. If you pair that with some other fixes and punishments it seems like a fool-proof system.

Cops don't get very much money and i think it would bring down the number of cops, but I like your idea if we have cops money drop when they have over 20k it can stop them from switching.