how do I get my dang nabbit vip home, I bought vip and all and I was told by a feller named jack to ask rabbit, and that there rabbit keeps ignoring me, I think them two were just trollin me, do I need to find a real admin er what

Ask an admin in-game to help you with your problem

We've explained the answer to you many times.

you didn't explain anything anyways so don't even that that there "weve" y'alls said you explained it to me, y'all said you explained it, and I was probably afk at the time, yous told me while I was yabberin to make a post, didn't tell me nothin, don't even try that there kami, thought we were crawdad huntin buddies

No one is ignoring you we are people too we have lives we have our own stuff to do im sorry about the wait but it isnt just you i had to wait a day to get mine aswell. Please understand even though the server is a high priority for us we cannot be on at all times just like you. Thank you, I will try and sort it out ASAP for you.

it was sorted out near immiedietely after this here post but I couldn't delete it