Hey guys, my name is Cappy and the next suggestion has probably already been thought about and therefor never implemented but as I used to be high staff on big Minecraft servers that made money trough multiple microtransactions I'd like to convert these to fit them into the Moonshade Roleplay server.
1: Crates, you can already buy the in-game keys with in-game currency so it would be nice if you could buy crates with real money.
2: Kits, a way Minecraft servers make quite a bit of money is with kits. An example is you type /kit and it shows multiple kits available. If you haven't bought the kit permission then it tell you in chat to buy the kit. How it works is you buy a certain kit on the store and you keep the /kit forever, however you can only use it each month. Here are a few examples:
3.50$) /kit locks = gives you 50 locks
5$) /kit guns= gives you the guns you start out with as a new player
5$) /kit drugs= gives 60 drug plants
5$) /kit print= gives 20 money printers
10$) /kit elite guns= some higher tier guns like 1 negev, 3 AK-47's, 5 scouts and some grenades
These are only a few suggestions but you get the idea.
3: Commands
2$)/eat, you can eat every minute which heals you the same amount as steak
15$)/deposit, this is a command you can only use daily, in addition to the Banker already a job, this would monetize it for the server
Again just a few ideas, I'm sure the community can come up with plenty
4: Ranks
Ranks that show a certain name tag and possibly spawn you with items like the cops do. A one time payment that would be worth buying
5$) Thug, health 100% armor 10% spawns with glock
10$) Criminal, health 110% armor 25% spawns with p250
25$) Murderer, health 125% armor 50% spawns with deagle
50$) Godfather, health 150% armor 50% 1 backstab shield, spawns with mac10
5: Perks
10$) Speedboost, 150% speed
10$) Autobhop
10$) Selling a house gives 100% back
I know this is quite a lot at once and would include a store implemented to the site but nowadays it's quite easy I think? Don't know the technical site and I understand you guys might not want this to be P2W and I understand that, but at the same time a cash flow is always a nice way to maintain and improve servers