Hey guys, my name is Cappy Arts but some of you guys recognise me as Cappytan.

I was wondering whether it was possible to update the minimap.
The one we have currently (winterfans) and pretty sure all maps but it does not include the job changing NPC, the drug goods buyer and I feel like having a red $ for the unsafe bank would also help out quite a bit.

Just a small thing too make it easier to teach new players where things are.

I agree with cappy

and also...

I don't want to make a whole form post about this but an easy way to make every job more active is just to take the money out of your bank. (for example, stripers and some other jobs take money out of your wallet and most times people don't have enough and would be too lazy to go all the way to the bank.)

Hey samy, love that idea!

Might help to suggest that under the 'make rp great again' thread I posted that focuses on a few things includings jobs

Updated Map

I remember seeing a post about this a believe but couldn't locate it but i think that the mini map needs to be updated. Not only would this help new players but it would be more convenient for everyone to know where the closest options are. When i say update i dont mean just fix the location of the drug buyers and things of that sort. I mean like adding a chicken leg for where the food store is or a small bullet where the gun stores are. Here is a list of things we can label on the map I can think of if you see something else you would like added to the mini map to help everyone else please comment below what can be added and logos we can use for the map.
Food store Chicken Leg
Gun store Small bullet or gun
Taxi Small car
Unsafe bank Red money signs
Safe banks Green money signs
illegal good stores (suggestions)

Re: Updated Map

Yeah I made a post about this this week I think

Its possible and well pretty easy but the thing is moonshade doesn't have an artist to make the designs if anyone would like to try and make these icons please get in contact with an admin and hopeful we can work something out (whether that be a forum tag or some other kind of reward)

Does any admin here have the map and icons that you guys currently have?