Hey guys, my name is Cappy Arts but some of you might remember me as Cappytan.
I'm no coder so I'm not sure how difficult or technical this gets but I'd still like to atleast suggest it regardless of it ever being added or being suggested before.
It would be nice if you actually respawned inside of the house you bought, whether you died or joined the server you get your little safe spot.
I hate spawning into the server and dying when I had some loot from before, or a bounty from before etc. It would add value to the houses and make the overall experience a tad bit easier.
If this is not possible on a larger scale or automated one for houses, I'll think smaller. VIP's, whether spawned inside the vip main lobby which is a bit safer than outside or a custom command like /setspawn (disabled in pd or safezones or houses).
It would also be beneficial for our Admins as whenever the server resets to minimalize the clutter it gathers, they wouln't have to move Afk'ers manually since they would be save and sound in their house instead of running circles outside for everyone to kill.
Let me know how to optimise this suggestion or just what you think