hello all, I am going to be straight up, admins please don't get offended by what I'm about to say, here goes, the server is dying, slowly but surely, no admins ever get on, and the ones that do always go afk, which results in nobody getting trained for cop which means no cops obviously, we need more admins, seriously, I really hate the state the server is in right now, please open applications for admin, we need more admins...
Open admin applications
I have recently been accepted as cop and the 2 admins that are online in the past couple of days have only been afk, so admin applications should be reopened to more active people instead of 20+ admins that never play the server.
I get what you mean but I can't train you when I'm at work, I get home around 4-5 pm GMT anywhere from that point just message me on discord or steam and Ill be there but if you guys just stay silent I don't know what you expect me or any other admin to do, the server is fine on staff atm as I said all you need to do is send us a message, I have open Direct messages on discord for this very reason so I would appreciate if you would use it instead of making this useless post.
3/34 CS:SO RP admins play the server, only one of them trains new cops, we don't need new admins just more active ones
The cop issue is a huge problem everyone is just getting rich and can have a 5k+ bounty with no consequences.
The admin inactivity issue has actually been going on for as long as I can remember. It's almost as if there has always been a fear (a single persons fear) to remove any admins status or commands. There's no real reason for this, I've never been given a reason and seemingly nobody else has either. Old admins should be removed from the staff list, and until they are, don't even think of them as admins, they don't care and they will only ever come back if the server has an active population and even then its clear now that most of them wont.
Anyway, here's a list of admins that aren't admins:
Patrick J Fox
Underwater Squad
"master baby yoda" on the staff page
Black Rabbit wroteI get what you mean but I can't train you when I'm at work, I get home around 4-5 pm GMT anywhere from that point just message me on discord or steam and Ill be there but if you guys just stay silent I don't know what you expect me or any other admin to do, the server is fine on staff atm as I said all you need to do is send us a message, I have open Direct messages on discord for this very reason so I would appreciate if you would use it instead of making this useless post.
the thing is we shouldn't have to ask admins to get on, they should get on because they like the server and want to improve upon it
Thank you for your opinion Eden. Seeing as you registered on the forums less than 2 years ago that helps me understand you have not been through the full cycle of how the CS:GO Roleplay server player involvement works. We have been doing this for years and have seen players as high as 40 and players as low as 6. Most players play CS:GO for competitive or for casual.
At this time it is in a down season due to a lot of players being in school, jobs, etc. Thank you for your concern. Plus our admins have been members of MoonShade for years and choose to get on when they please. I am sure most players can take care of themselves and any players who are serious about the server such as yourself should step up and help new players.
You're making the implication that trainers should be on all the time. We have yet to see anything so serious that it called for Administrators to be on 24/7. Also please don't use the forums to indirectly ask for Administrator privileges.
I edited this post because I can't math.