In-Game name: Jimmie
Steam ID:
Age: 26

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? No but text chat is fine.

Days of the week you are available to play: Any day of the week.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 150-200+ hours before the reset 62 hours on the new server.

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: United States UTC-05:00

Rules you view as most important: No abusing the breakin command without a valid bounty, No cop RDM.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I have years of cop experience on Moonshade itself before the reset and I have been doing cop type role-play on multiple game platforms such as samp (San Andreas Multiplayer) and Garrys Mod since 2004-2005. I also fully understand the Moonshade system and think I would fit in well with this fresh community.

More examples of my past experience can be found in my accepted 2016 application here.,1381.msg9721.html#msg9721

I personally don't know you but to apply for cop you need at least 30 hours on the current server

You need to have atleast 30 hours on the server now before reset does not count.

Thread has been updated I now have the needed hours.

5 days later

Please see an admin in-game for cop training =)