For CSGO roleplay server we are currently playing "Winterfans" don't get me wrong I think its a okay map. But it's getting kind of bland and we need a change. I know this map isn't the best and everyone can agree with that. But I think we need a faster map change. By that I mean that we need to change the map to a new one faster than what happened last time. I think that we should change this map to "City 45". Which is a great map in my opinion. Also this map that we are currently playing are for bigger crowds of people to connect to and buy a house and start. Also This map isn't the best for the smaller community we have.

Also I think that the head admins should get on more. And that they don't know what we need or what we want at all. And they mess up that some of the server isn't connecting because of this map. I think if we changed it to a more popular and favored map this will bring in more players rather than playing a gigantic map like this. We are getting new players but at a rate that we a losing more to people not like this map or other reasons. But if head admins were on they would know what we need to bring to the server to get more new players to connect.

Map change is something I can get behind, the current map is just too big.

I dont think we should change the map before the rotation because it is unfair for those who enjoy this map. But I agree that city45 would be a great map for the next rotation

Adapt wrote

I dont think we should change the map before the rotation because it is unfair for those who enjoy this map. But I agree that city45 would be a great map for the next rotation

Adapts This map is kind of killing the sever slowly if you haven't noticed the server hasn't had a new player that has RDMed and then just quit.

I started off disliking winterfans but managed to grow into it, so it's not like I hate the map or anything but I definitely want to see a map change. Some houses are just priced terribly, vip is too small and it's just not being used the way it was intended.

Winterfans was a larger map than abuse me and seemed fit since we were having a lot of players. Unfortunately the hype has gone away for the most part since Christmas break is almost over

The majority of the players right now are people that love city 45 and freeman back from before everything got reset. And those maps are probably, like for me the reason I came back. A map like this and 7/8 afk'ers might be the reason i leave again

[font=verdana]I'm sorry, we would like to stick to our current map rotation schedule. It would be unfair for players who like the map and there are quite a few. We will be changing it at the normal rotation time in a month or two.[/font]