Hey guys, my name is Cappy Arts but some of you might remember me as Cappytan.
I've played this server quite actively years ago and I find it unfortunate that a lot of the issues still occur.
There's a few things that bother me, others and maybe you quite a bit so I'm going to do my best to suggest a solution for at least a few of these problems.
To start off, I think the jobs are a problem. There are too many that are never used and it's really confusing to new people, and it's annoying to those who are almost forced to plant drugs in order to make a bit of money.
Here is what my take would be on these jobs and as extra I'll include some perks that would make jobs great again.
Robber: This job is the only job that can rob vendors instead of everyone with a gun being able to do that as of right now, pickpocket includes taking cash money and weapons held on hand and not in inventory. (Health: 75% but no footstep
Stripper: (Remove)
Counterfeiter: The more cash you have (10K bracket, 15K bracket, 20K bracket etc) the slower your printer goes, this will still allow the use of the AFKing method, but reduces it as it forces people to go deposit and this way the economy doesn't get flooded by someone who has just spent 5 nights with their pc on.
Sanitation: This job would best be merged with Penny Picker as it gives people and actual reason to clean everything up instead of saying F it after having to swap back from job to job over one dumb penny. Helps reduce lag thought so definitely a useful job. Please just optimize this.
Pizza Deliverer: This job is underpaid, depending on the map it can take a while to get a pizza delivered. Upping the price would be unfair food wise and people wouldn't like being forced to pay more so I suggest making the delivery faster. (Speed: 150%)
Drug Dealer: This is the job everyone does, and it's quite outdated. I understand resources and plugins are limited but it would be nice to see added drugs to the mix
Ex: Cacti (weed) is a low risk drug, so pays less -> cost price 150$ sell price 300$ and you get 400 crime per full cycle. (In real life you don't profit that much from weed and it's a lower risk than lets say crack)
Cocaine (could be those snowpiles as prop idk how that works) but would be a high risk drug, and therefor pays more. -> cost price 500$ sell price 2000$, it would in return give a lot more crime (800-1000 per cycle)
Supply Runner: Similar to Pizza Deliverer (Speed:150%)
Tourist guide: (Remove)
Penny Picker: (Merged with Sanitation)
Kidnapper: (Remove)
Hitman: Merge this with bounty hunter so it's also server based that gives him jobs rather than being for hire (Health: 150%, backstab shield)
Scientist: Can be used for a lot of exploits and it's not that good of a job (Remove)
Bounty hunter: (Merged with Hitman)
Fire Mage: (Remove)
John Wick: (Remove)
Alligator Wrestler: (Remove)
Banker: Since you can deposit anywhere already, it would be nice if you could deposit by saying /deposit (amount) (name of banker) that way people actually use the banker, and the banker makes some money off of the %. Can't say it's OP because you don't have to go to the bank, because pressing E on the banker also means you don't have to go to the bank.
Jewish Extravagent: It was changed a while ago and basically ruined it's purpose (remove or fix)
Another problem I have is the new players thinking this is FFA, or forcing older players to teach them. The /guide should be updated, it should show explanatory messages in chat upon joining and they should be innocent for the first 5 hours meaning that they cannot do damage, and cannot be killed. This includes not being able to steal their drugs, to give them a chance to fully integrate into the server. A lot of games have a starter forcefield and it helps.
I hope I have some suggestions people agree on, and eventually find it's way into the game. I think moonshade is a good server so don't say I'm hating. I just want to see the server improve and grow larger than it is.
Let me know what you guys think about the changes, how you would do it and if you disagree please go in depth on why 🙂