In-Game name: Blessin
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:162516072
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes
Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play every day of the week
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 30 Hours
Time Zone + Location: Central United states.
Rules you view as most important: No killing new players. And cop abuse
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I believe that you should pick me to be a cop on the server for many reasons. First off, I was a cop before the wipe and I believe I did a great job not abusing my powers and respecting my position as a cop. I also believe that if I receive cop I will do a great job protecting rules such as No killing players under 5 hours. Not only is this rule very looked over but I believe that people do not see why it is so important. If a experienced player decides to keep RDMing a new player while no cops are online or cops that dont understand why it is not acceptable it can cause that player to not feel welcomed and decide not to play on the server which would leave to a decline in new players. Also, I believe that I should be picked over other applicants because I am not a emotional person and currently there are many cops who are. With many cops being very emotional it makes it hard for specific players to play because they may feel targeted because the officer feels anger towards the player but if i was cop I would not show any emotion and would treat every player the same no matter what they have done to me or our previous experiences making it fair for everyone else. I would also be very dedicated to my position and would practically only play as a cop because many cops will only play for a hour and then switch sides. With me on the roster I would almost always be insurance to the players if there was no cops online. As a long time member of the community I dont think there would ever come a time I would abuse the position that someone has trusted me with and I think that I would be a great member for the team. As a member of this community for a few years I think I am a great option for the position and would love to be apart of it!