hello team i'm new in the server and i have a lot of suggest but i don't know if u have the time for create this
i go multi post on this topic
sorry for my so pro good english

idea 1 : rework the job, and create the job "mafia" he can open all the door with an item or command and have 80% luck for succes
he can steal the guys with a command (only cash money)
and he can steal money of printer and cactus

idea 2 : add the job : surgeon
a customer can
walk speedly for 500$
have 200hp for 500$
triple jump for 500$
regen 1 hp per sec for 500$
until disconnection

idea 3 :
add a scoreboard in jail : remove 120 secondes
remove 2 minutes from the jail for $ 500

idea 4 : add bribe to a job, u pay 500$ and u have - 1000 crime for exemple

idea 5 : create a level cut :
cut = -0 damage
and for damage u need to buy level cut
a level cut cost : 50$
if u buy 100 level cut (5000$) ur cut go -100 damage but when u kill a guys u lost 1 level cut

idea 6 :
item :
add the drink "redbull" and an "energy bar" to the left of the screen when u press e u walk more faster
add an item "shoes" and delete fall damage lifetime (5000$ maybe ?)

add a tazzer for the cop with a command /tazz ....

add grades in the dealer and counterfeit
for example :
novice - only 3 cacti and 1 printer
after 2 hours of play in these trades it goes into
confirmed dealer and counterfeit confirmed
with 5 cacti and 2 printers
after 20 hours of play
semi-pro dealer and semi-pro counterfeit
with 7 cacti and 3 printers
and after 50 hours of play
pro dealer and counterfeit pro
with 8 cacti and 4 printers
and after 100h or 200 hours of play
master dealer and master counterfeit
with 10 cacti and 5 printers

but a reworking of crimes is needed for this working

and add a song to the printer for the "mafia" can hear and steal the printer

go reply guys i have a lot of suggest accept or refuse my first suggest for more ^^

if u need help for config the serv add me on steam
if u dont understand my perfect english tell my i go speak better