In-Game name: Flamelix
Steam ID: 76561198016064099
Age: 16
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes
Days of the week you are available to play: All of them, only stipulation is school 7 hours monday-friday
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 33
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Pacific Standard Time (PST) Portland, Oregon
Rules you view as most important: No exploiting, I was once banned for it for association because the server was bored and we just wanted to have fun, didn't do it to make money and didn't even make money anyway. I want to make sure people are banned fairly for it and find people who are actually doing it for advantage. I also want to prevent MRDM by VIP jailing according to severity.
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I have the second highest availability of most applicants, second only to people who are dropouts or don't have an occupation. I play active on the server and consider myself to have good judgement seeing as I had nearly 400 hours before wipe and copious amounts of experience as cop. I think the player base would like me more as cop as well seeing as if I'm not afk farming im rdming (usually not MRDM), having cop would make people see a lot more of me and I plan on keeping a standard of jail unjailing non-farmers and cuff un cuffing people who are farming. I can and will enforce rules by full jailing / VIPing but for the most part I will be good cop.