In-Game name: ★ DeYarfAeB ★
Steam ID: 76561198115882833
Age: 15

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes I do have a microphone and I am willing to use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: Whenever I can

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 75

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: GMT-6, US

Rules you view as most important: Evasion and MRDM

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? I personally don’t like typing, I’m very active and I’ve proven before that I can be an unbiased cop that can enforce rules. Additionally, I’m probably going to try and grind the promotions if I get accepted. (Sorry if short)

Really chill, doesn't seem like the type to be biased or abuse.
Nice cockatiel btw 😉

5 days later

On hold for now. Control yourself and mature some more before you're welcome on the force.

Flamelix or whatever got through? he RDMs like crazy... DeYarf isn't as bad as him but just random killing and stealing and just bs that makes people rage and the server toxic. I'm not perfect but you won't hear me raging, you will see me helping out new people or working with people I could trust.. Ask Chilis, He had keys to the house by the boat I owned and he kept saying Samy MADE him open to door to loot my plants and I gave him a key I think 3 times? THEN I started charging for them and then stopped after he kept doing it.
My point is, IDK if its a maturity thing (no disrespect meant at all, I was dumber yesterday than I am today) but what's worse than no cops is crooked cops

well I don't usually talk much in forums so that's my 2 cents, I realize it covers issues not just with DeYarfs cop app; So if you'd like (Jon, or myback or whoever is running things now-a-days), I can try to split the post into 2 pieces if you'd like the other stuff posted somewhere else (just let me know where).

Stoupe aka Mr Benton

Accepted or denied thats all I want to know

You will... This is how it goes. Someone applies, people weigh in on what they think then the appropriate person makes the final decision. As you've only had 1 short comment before this one, no one has much to go on.
Back when I applied for cop the first time, 3 or 4 or 5 or more people would regularly comment within a couple days, giving myback (at the time) more info and community opinions.

Read what he told you "Control yourself and mature some more before you're welcome on the force."

This is a game, it's meant to be fun. Be clear, but MY post is NOT directed towards you, but people who only know how to troll or "mess with people" or "just having fun" or whatever they may call it, are what make the server toxic. It happened before for a while so it could happen again.

I actually appreciate the reset, as some people had some ridiculous amounts of (sometimes ill-gotten) goods and cash.

Good luck on your app, being a little friendly and helpful would've changed my vote, its not like I have anything against you personally or anything.. I just don't like being killed randomly all the time when I'm just trying to play the game.

MY post wasn't directed at you either I just want a definite answer, and if you want to complain about features in a game then talk to an admin instead of my cop app.

Well you must've felt my post was towards you as you're responding to me anyway.

Also what did I complain about?

If I had a complaint I would certainly put it in the right thread, but now I have to make an actual post not about your cop app to explain to you I wasn't complaining so this is where it belongs.

i love being apart of someones example which never happened i never let samy in, i never let him take your shit and i never said he made me i don't know what sort of joke that was but clearly doesn't make sense because i owned my own house back when they had mittlefans why would i want keys, and as for deyarf's cop at it looks like shit no effort put into actually trying to seem that hes fit for cop and if you are ever on the rp server you could tell as to why

To Stoupe and Chili's,
I could care less about what you have to say about my cop app or what happens on the server. My experience before and after the reset should be more than enough. I'm not the worst candidate for cop and I didnt afk for days to reach the 30 hour goal, I'm constantly active on the server day and night giving the newbies an ingame tutorial on how to play (6 and counting). I truly care about the server and if my reputation is known as a toxic d-bag preventing me from getting cop then that is fine by me.
Sincerely, DeYarf

P.S. Don't reply to this thread because I won't read it and if I don't get cop I'll continue my journey and a salesman and a friend to a certain extent.

5 days later

Accepted. Thank you for helping new players and being active on the server. See an admin in-game for cop training.