You will... This is how it goes. Someone applies, people weigh in on what they think then the appropriate person makes the final decision. As you've only had 1 short comment before this one, no one has much to go on.
Back when I applied for cop the first time, 3 or 4 or 5 or more people would regularly comment within a couple days, giving myback (at the time) more info and community opinions.
Read what he told you "Control yourself and mature some more before you're welcome on the force."
This is a game, it's meant to be fun. Be clear, but MY post is NOT directed towards you, but people who only know how to troll or "mess with people" or "just having fun" or whatever they may call it, are what make the server toxic. It happened before for a while so it could happen again.
I actually appreciate the reset, as some people had some ridiculous amounts of (sometimes ill-gotten) goods and cash.
Good luck on your app, being a little friendly and helpful would've changed my vote, its not like I have anything against you personally or anything.. I just don't like being killed randomly all the time when I'm just trying to play the game.