In-Game name: Madimir
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:149926616

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it?
As long as it doesn't shit out on me

Days of the week you are available to play:
Wednesday and Sunday mostly sometimes after work

Current Hours In-Game on our server:
97hr 12-21-19

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Yehaw Texas Time (Time zone in Austin, TX GMT-6)

Rules you view as most important:
Cops should punish players by VIP jailing when they Mass RDM, avoid cuffs, exploit, etc.
Do not ever kill a new player for no set reason.
If there is only one person behind you, you may assume it was them who hit you if it was RIGHT after you were stabbed.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?
I played on the server previous to the reset, with many hundreds of hours into the force, but most importantly is that I am always nice and respectful to others. I am also on during odd hours of the day when no other cops are on, and when they are most needed. It also bothers me when new players are being bullied and/or harassed. I really want to to help the server grow and I think I can do that by protecting the new players and I believe I can do it best as a cop.

I believe Madimir has what it takes to be cop.

5 days later

Accepted. See an admin in-game for training and cop employment.