In-Game Name: samy
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:84334841
Age: 16

Do you have a microphone and are willing to use it? Yes, SIR

Days of the week you are available to play: I am able to play most days in the afternoon if I don't have homework or something else, altho I am going on Christmas vacation soon but will be able to get on with my cousins PC.

Current hours In-Game on our server: 55

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: Brasil atm

Rules you view as most important: RDM and Cop abuse/ Cop boosting have been the rules which I feel have the most effect on the server. There would be people mass RDMing and cops cuff uncuffing them instead of jailing. This gets pretty annoying and it in my opinion is a pretty consistent thing.

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants?

Firstly you can normally always find me online. I had over 1500 hours before the restart and had lots of experience with being a cop and the game in general. Since the server restarted there aren't as many cops and RDM has been pretty high. For me personally I think it brings another experience to the game, drug dealing and counterfeiting get pretty boring.

I am 2 weeks irrelevant admin UwU. Since I am on a 2 week Vaca trip till the 23rd uwaaaa I have time to notice a new application ÒwÓ. U are da cancaaaa, but you know how to coppa, So yus >w<

Samy wants cop?! Ok, here's why he shouldn't have cop:




Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

5 days later

See a qualified Admin in-game!