Listen, I haven't been active in this community for a long time, WTF happened. You're really just going to fucking close down and let COLD win?! Really? My back please, you haven't been on discord for months. I mean months. Moonshade is dead. It does not need to be dead. My back, if you need help fixing moon shade I could even help you. I'm a lot different now. Also, I don't give a fuck if the admins ban me from the forums or delete this post, at the very least it will be read. Also, Mewn, do something?! I still watch your streams once in a while when I have time. Moonshade is yours! Don't let it die come on. There has to be some hype left. Somewhere there is... I promise... Just because the "heart stopped beating" doesn't mean it can't be revived. There is so much more to say but I'm not going to explain it all right now. Please someone reasonable updates me on things. Myback please regain contact. Same with you Mewn.

Hi Coalworker long time no see. Do you have any contact with myback?

Hey biscuit. I've been super busy naturally and haven't even streamed since June. I've recently moved back to Oklahoma after my year stay in Pennsylvania. I've switched employment and now work full time at a new job. In addition to this I still have my girlfriend. So most of my free time is taken up. I wish I had time to be super active with my online endeavors (streaming/moonshade), but my time simply isn't there. The only leisure computer time I have I typically spend on a couple games of league each week.

As for myback I haven't really spoken to him in the last couple of months. I know he's still out there, I'm sure he's just busy with school right now. You're right though biscuit, Moonshade isn't what it used to be. For it to flourish, someone would have to manage it the way it deserves to be managed.

Alright, yeah that's fair, good luck with your new job. Also, if you need any help please let me know. It's sad to see a big part of my childhood fall like this,