In-game name: Grubbsy
The server you were banned on: Technically just RP and Discord
Who banned you: The entire staff team
Reason for ban: Lots of things but mainly exploiting (at least that's the main reason that was listed on my ban o' so long ago)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:204500198
The reason you think you should be unbanned: It's been a while since I was banned and I was toxic but also full of myself so I thought I would wait until I wanted to go back onto the server to just check it out.
Evidence to support the claim (if any): I don't have any evidence other than an apology. I am truly sorry for what I did with exploits, my fit of rage, and the insults. I just want to go onto the server and explore the RP mod and reminisce over my wonderful time at moonshade. Maybe a day unban is all I'll need. I don't care if I lose all my progress if you wipe my database file or not. I just wanna explore the server one last time for old time sakes.
myback I know if ur reading this u might be mad at all the messages I send you but it's just a dumb attempt to see if u even use steam anymore lol but koolaid tells me most of the things to send lel
IF you have anything to say, positive or not, fire away! I truly want everyone's honest opinion!
also I thought my ban was only supposed to be for 7 days