In-game name: Grubbsy

The server you were banned on: Technically just RP and Discord

Who banned you: The entire staff team

Reason for ban: Lots of things but mainly exploiting (at least that's the main reason that was listed on my ban o' so long ago)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:204500198

The reason you think you should be unbanned: It's been a while since I was banned and I was toxic but also full of myself so I thought I would wait until I wanted to go back onto the server to just check it out.

Evidence to support the claim (if any): I don't have any evidence other than an apology. I am truly sorry for what I did with exploits, my fit of rage, and the insults. I just want to go onto the server and explore the RP mod and reminisce over my wonderful time at moonshade. Maybe a day unban is all I'll need. I don't care if I lose all my progress if you wipe my database file or not. I just wanna explore the server one last time for old time sakes.

myback I know if ur reading this u might be mad at all the messages I send you but it's just a dumb attempt to see if u even use steam anymore lol but koolaid tells me most of the things to send lel

IF you have anything to say, positive or not, fire away! I truly want everyone's honest opinion!
also I thought my ban was only supposed to be for 7 days

Well if you want an hones opinion, you got it. From my perspective the only thing you do is cause problems. You have done nothing but cause problems since you joined the server. Even while you're banned from the server you cause problems on the forums. In fact, I don't understand why you aren't banned from the forums. You're constantly shit posting and, once again, causing problems. You pick fights with admins that don't need to be picked and I can't remember the last time you contributed anything useful or interesting to the community. Although it isn't against the rules, you've done nothing but complain about the server, the players, and the admins. Even when I joined another server you were on with a few others from Moonshade you treated us poorly and had nothing but negative things to say. I personally don't see why you would even want to be here because it seems like you only have problems with everyone here, and I don't see why anyone here would want you around as, stated numerous times before, you cause problems.
And before you try to claim that you want to come back for some heartfelt and sappy reason, lets point out that you've said it yourself, you don't have a good reason for sticking around.

Grubbsy wrote

sadness 🙁 jk
I'm also still here because u guys don't seem to stop me.

Grubbsy I can't make you read what Joey typed but if you ever want to get unbanned you should start by fixing that attitude of yours, Joey not only responded to your appeal he brought up points as to why he thinks you should not be unbanned as he is supposed to do and as the maker of the appeal it is your responsibility to look at these replies and formulate both a decent response and also think of a way you can learn and be better by what's been said. Your reply of "You expect me to read all that?" Just goes to show how much you give a shit about Moonshade and your place in it.

In case anyone wanted to see it for themselves

Click to reveal Click to hide

Look man you can't ask say "If you have anything to say, positive or negative, fire away!" and then get booty tickled when someone "fires away". It doesn't make very much sense but then again, not much of what you do makes sense anyways.

3 months later

+1 I think Grubbsy is a very cool player

He never leaves so I think a dedicated player is good 🙂

You literally told me a week ago that you hate moonshade and are trying to make COLD it's number one enemy.

I received this message today when I woke up. This also proves his maturity. I'm guessing he was upset because of my last reply. But Whatever.

Biscuit wrote

I received this message today when I woke up. This also proves his maturity. I'm guessing he was upset because of my last reply. But Whatever.

moonshade rp is already just afk weeb kids with nothing else to do good job admin team on bringing back your server

Beefin wrote

moonshade rp is already just afk weeb kids with nothing else to do good job admin team on bringing back your server

who even are you

you showed the server and the people running it great disrespect through your time playing moonshade and now you being so close with our main competitor theres just no possible way we can unban anymore..

your early hours on the server i however thank you for you where kind and seemed to enjoy the server and the community but somewhere along the way you turn into something our community doesn't want be associated with.

also reping your own posts with an alt would've got you insta denied back in the day.

expect a response from the admins this week...

Denied. The malicious intent you have displayed both on the forums, other servers, what you've been saying to your friends, and your friends coming on advertising your server, demanding you to be unbanned is unquestionably reason enough to deny this ban appeal.