So, I wanted to get some people onto the server and I thought asking the source engine discord would be great. But I couldn't just say "Join this server on csgo!" I had to say "Can someone playtest my server?" and the results are in!

I got 2 people to playtest the server with me! 2 players who might join the server again!

But most importantly the playtester's opinions on balancing a job or 2!
Some great ideas from the 1 person who actually responded to me are this:

Sanitation: Garbage spawns so it doesn't have to rely on other players to make money.

Supply Runner: Overall, decent, but would be cool if you could get promoted and do more lucrative runs. Maybe you have to do a weapon shipment, and if you get intercepted the person who kills you can pick up the weapons

I have some comments to lead up or build onto what they said to make it more believable for the server.

1: "Garbage Spawns" to make it reasonable it would be maybe 3 across the map and it spawns garbage at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes and it stops if there are 5 pieces of garbage in the area around it. to minimalize the rate at which garbage spawns and at 12 players the garbage stops spawning to keep the server semi-decent

2: maybe like a levels system like for cop but for supply runner blah blah so on so forth you make more money the more runs you do blah blah and so on and so forth... stuff I've said like 9284394632 times before...

3: Gun/Weapon runs maybe when you click on the supply run every 10 minutes maybe longer (cooldown until the next menu can pop up) a menu pops up saying
Take Gun Mission?

  1. yes
  2. No
    This would be really cool to do and to notify people that this is going on there is an Alert and when you die you drop a different kind of box on the ground that will give you the job to deliver it for cash. so, in other words, the second type of drug run for less money but can be similar to drug runs.

Or this could be a bihourly event that drops a shipment of guns somewhere that is available to everyone to deliver (No matter the job)
A variation of this is that it could be a box you have to get to an NPC that puts it into an item in your inventory to make gathering shipments high-risk high reward sort of deal.

I tried my best to make the shipments not like on the CoLD community's server (but I do like the concept a lot)

Thanks to Naviaux (Person on discord) for playing the server and giving feedback on the jobs it helped a lot.

theres another rp server called cold? tbh i might go on there since the admins on here gives no shits ab my ban appeal <3

Take 30 of the most toxic person on moonshade and that's CoLD dude. plus I don't even know if you have the game. Let's just say if we talk about cold anymore we're gonna see the ban hammer on the forums.

You're better off staying here because we have the least toxic RP server.

But moonshade does need a change to the meta after 4 plus years so something new could really help the server and crates aren't the answer.

Grubbsy, "Maybe you're trying too hard. " - Grubbsy

I used the same comeback.

Not like I message you every time you get on csgo "GEt people ON moNNSHADE PLAESSE" vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation vapeNation :gordon: :gordon: :gordon: :gordon: :gordon:

And unlike you biscuit I actually got people to play the server.

20 days later

Are you looking for any more testers, Grubbsy?