In-Game name:ken
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56399322
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? yes and yes!
Days of the week you are available to play. like every single day!
Current Hours In-Game on our server: 31
Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: CDT, USA
Rules you view as most important: no mass rdm/ no rdm
Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? i want to because a cop because i think that i would bring justice to any "evil doers" on the server. Also you should pick me over other applicants because i know all the Cop and Civi rules and have never disrespected them i also go over them on a daily basis. P.S Thank you for takeing time for reading my cop application! ;D
_ken_ cop application
+rep i have gotten to know ken on a bit momo of a personal level and i enjoy speaking with him, he should have the aptitude to do his duty, when others cannot. Definitely a keeper
+rep ken Highly respectable loyal and is very fun to have here on the server !
I've had the pleasure of playing with him a few times, and I'd say he's a pretty cool guy! He isn't a hothead (which is important), and really clicks with the community.
Good luck, Ken!
+rep. I think Ken is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aleins and doesn't afraid of anything...
+rep a really friendly guy who isn't afraid to help others out at any time
+rep, deserves cop nice player only RDM's sometimes
LucasPlayz wrote-rep, RDM's so much, Always kills me as a cop, and always kills me as a player...
+rep Ken is one of the nicest players on the server hardly ever rdms when h does he doesnt mass rdm.He would make a great cop.
+rep = I never have had a problem with Ken. He seems like he would be able to excell as a cop.
+Rep Ken is pretty chill person never seen someone having problem with him
He's fun to play with in the server, friendly to everyone, and has even helped a few new players learn the server and stay around while admins were too busy. I haven't seen him break any rules so I think he'd make a good edition to the cop team. +rep
Under Review, will be discussed in the next admin meeting.