rabbit is basically using his perms to punish me. I got vote muted for singing along to a song, not earraping btw, for about 10 seconds. I typed retry in console and then rabbit was on my ass and perm muted me.

Lol, maybe it's cause you've done this before.
multiple times
Try reporting Rabbit for noticeable abuse.
"It doesn't say avoiding a vote mute is against the rules"

First of all you were not singing along to a song as there was no song playing. Second you avoided a votemute by rejoining then claiming it was a misclick as you do it a second time. Maybe the perm mute was a misclick?

"Ear rape" isn't the only type of mic spam you should really just stop at this point because it's not funny..

After some collective talk of your overall behavior, we'd like to decide for you to have a last chance. Further offenses would result in, at most, a ban. Reparation of your behavior and reputation will suffice to recover possible positions like cop.