[font=comic sans ms][/font]In-Game name: tdams KreyGasm
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:460730008
Age: 11

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to use it? Yes i am willing to use it but not very often i do use it.

Days of the week you are available to play: On weekdays i stick to 4 hours due to homework and junk, but the weekend (including friday) maybe 10- 15 hours a day.

Current Hours In-Game on our server: 24 at the moment, on my old account i had around 150

Time Zone + Location on planet Earth: EST , and i live in MA

Rule you view as most important: Mic Spam is important because i like my ears not to bleed

Why do you want to become a cop and why should we pick you over other applicants? : This is probably one of my Favorite server out of all the games i play and it would be awesome if i could have a role in this awesome server. i also may be way more active than other cops on this server mostly because i play it everyday. hope you consider hiring me as cop, thank you.

What was your other account's name?
Good player, the application does need some more length to it though.

Didn't you mic spam?........
Otherwise, good Application.

[member=1406]Grubbsy[/member] , it was around 1-2 years ago i dont remember the exact name, but it was something like "double" i lost the account and i dont know how much i cant find it.

8 days later

Inappropriate behavior
Re-apply in 2 weeks from now, not within.